Sunday, October 20, 2013


Greetings users of the interwebs! As you have probably gathered by now, I am a 20 year old music education student at Henderson State University. My primary instrument is the tenor trombone. My home is and has always been in Ashdown, Arkansas (a city in southwest Arkansas approximately 15 minutes from Texarkana). My closest family members include my grandfather and grandmother, father, uncle Steven, aunt and her husband, and the family pets. I hope to someday play trombone professionally and maintain a studio at a university as well as a private studio. I feel that Henderson will prepare me to continue my studies at a larger music school. One of hobbies away from the trombone is gardening. In the summers, I tend to my backyard garden.

(a photo I took early in the season)

Some of the vegetables planted in my garden include corn, squash, okra, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, radishes, purple hull peas, lima beans, bell peppers, white and green onions, sunflowers, eggplant, lettuce, and green beans. Perhaps in the future, I will include garden updates. 

I am starting this blog for a course I am taking at Henderson. In the future, I plan to share my ideas regarding trombone pedagogy. 
Here are a few of my favorite trombone related links: 

In time, I will share specific pages and discuss their significance in detail. 

More about me: I enjoy observing nature, drinking and making coffee, spending time with friends and family, attending performances, listening to music, watching educational television shows about space, exploring philosophy, and learning about almost anything. 

I look forward to continuing my blog and learning from other's blogs. Feel free to comment with any questions or comments you might have!

1 comment:

  1. Hey bud, I'm actually really looking forward to finding out your views on t-bone from a pedagogical standpoint. It is something that's always interested me for brass in general, but t-bone is an entirely different monster in itself so again, I look forward to seeing future posts!
