Monday, December 9, 2013

Pinterest PBL Assignment

Pinterest is a tool that can be used to by educators to find ideas for lesson plans. For my Intro to Educational Technology class, I re-pined ten lesson ideas and pinned ten original lesson plan ideas. I found Pinterest to be more useful than I expected. It was easy to navigate and there were numerous examples of lesson plan ideas that I might use as an educator. Using ideas from Pinterest, particularly a pin showing a Rhythm Value Look Book, I created a PBL lesson.

My Activity

This activity gives students a visual representation of note values. Students can see how the hole note is divided.


 (Step 3)

 (Step 5)

 (Step 6)

(Complete Project)

Included in link is the procedure I used for completing the assignment and a rubric I made with Rubistar that could be used for grading a students work. This is just one example of a lesson plan you could create using ideas from Pinterest. This lesson gives students a visual representation of note lengths. Half notes are half the length of whole notes, quarters are half the length of half notes etc. I was very surprised by how useful Pinterest could be for educators. I found at least ten other pins that could be used in designing music related lesson plans. 

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